I have seen many marvelous series of Disney Princess makeovers, changing their wardrobe, gender or sexual orientation. I love these makeovers, and I decided I should make one of my own. Yet I felt that every possible interesting makeover had already been done. That’s when I realized that the only thing that hadn’t been done was to show those princesses at those painful, disgusting and unattractive moments that many women experience as an inseparable part of passing for a woman. Those who boldly decide to avoid these habits are too often met with ridicule and scorn. This is why I decided to reveal the Princesses of the House of Disney in those moments when they show us that being a princess is not all beauty and joy – it takes some hard, painful work, even before they go on stage and start washing dishes, cleaning floors and looking for their Prince Charmings.
This series was featured in an interview with Ido Kenan in Haaretz newspaper: http://www.haaretz.co.il/captain/room404/.premium-1.2157701English version: http://room404.net/eng/princesses-as-disney-wouldnt-want-seen/